domingo, 19 de febrero de 2012

The Diet Solution Program Review + Bonus !!

This is an excellent product for those of you who aim at losing weight and getting in great shape. It requires some effort, like all things that are important, but the results are incredible. 

Title : The Diet Solution Program
Website :
Author :
Isabel De Los Rios
Price :
Guarantee :
60 Day Satisfaction Guarantee

The Diet Solution Program is one of the most popular new weight loss programs available. Written by Isabel De Los Rios it is a valuable resource, packed with incredible facts about how eating the right foods can help you lose weight, all without being hungry. So what's in The Diet Solution Program?

Contents of the Program

The Quick Start Guide: This is basically a small version of The Diet Solution Program that can help you get started on the road to weight loss without having to invest a lot of time reading through the entire manual. This is helpful for those trying to get started but don't have time to read through the full 100+ page book. There are many good tips in here as well as a quick start meal planner.

The Main Program: The Diet Solution aims at helping you change your eating habits so you are eating the right kinds of foods. By doing this you will not only lose weight, but you'll feel amazing. De Los Rios wants you to commit to a realistic outlook: you're not going to magically change overnight. Having a healthier lifestyle and weight is a goal that will take planning and time. She doesn't want you to get discouraged.

Clear Your Mind: The first step of The Diet Solution Program is to clear your mind. Stop worrying about all the health information that is thrown at you by the media. Stop falling prey to negative influences. Clear all negative thinking from your mind. De Los Rios wants you to maintain a positive mental outlook for success.

Metabolism Type: The next step is to determine your metabolism type. Your metabolism type is your own personal requirement for a certain ratio of proteins and carbohydrates. Many people fall somewhere along a spectrum of protein types or carbohydrate types. Determining how much of a certain type you need is key to your success in terms of weight loss and overall health. There is a good test to determine your type included with the program.

Create Your Meal Plan: A guide to choose a personal meal plan containing the right ratio of proteins, carbs, and healthy fats. Using her meal planner is very easy. She stresses the importance of natural foods and getting rid of a lot of the artificial junk and bad fats that tend to be in our food choices. These artifical additives tax the liver and prevent it from functioning as well as it could, causing your body to store fat instead of lose it.

Learn The Science Behind It All: In an excellent section all about calories, Isabel De Los Rios points out the common misconceptions about calories and weight loss. She suggests that it's not about counting calories, but using calories as a basic suggestion to choose portion amounts. She does not like the idea of calorie counting at all. There is too much variation between the way different calorie types affect the body's metabolism to just simply count calories.

Other Goodies: The Diet Solution plan comes with a great recipe guide with tons of healthy, balanced meals. Also included is a shopping guide that you can take with you to the store as you're learning what you should be looking for as well as a personal journal that will help you set goals and plan for success. 


This is an excellent program and it´s highly recommended for everyone who wishes to have a better and healthier life. The author backs up all her findings with cited research. With this diet, your body will function properly and not only will you feel better but your body will also be able to shed excess pounds now that it is free from the toxic burden.

If you're serious about losing weight this is an excellent choice. With this guide, and the right amount of effort and commitment, you can reach your weight loss goals with this program.